
Porteno Spanish

Porteños: 25 Spanish phrases to speak like them

Argentinian Spanish (Argentino) is different from Español (Spanish) spoken in Spain or other Latin American countries. The porteños (Buenos Aires citizens) speak with a specific accent and use a lot of Lunfardos (Argentine slang).  Here we explain 25 interesting vocabulary/phrases in Argentinian Spanish which will help you to understand porteños better during your next tango […]

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Tango illusion

Tango illusions

Over the years of my tango journey I’ve stumbled upon a lot of confusing moments, they fall into 2 types: illusion about my technique; and about my relationships with the tangueros.Tango Illusion (I): My tango technique3 years ago on my birthday I had a private class with my favorite tango master. I told him, with

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4 tried-and-works tricks of learning Spanish for busy people

  Thought about learning Spanish, but gave up immediately because you think you are “too busy”? Worry you can’t devote long enough time to study? Before you decide you have too little time to learn Spanish, check out the following 4 tried-and-works tricks for developing a learning strategy which can be fit into your busy

4 tried-and-works tricks of learning Spanish for busy people Read More »