Tango Spanish Blog

Porteno Spanish

Porteños: 25 Spanish phrases to speak like them

Argentinian Spanish (Argentino) is different from Español (Spanish) spoken in Spain or other Latin American countries. The porteños (Buenos Aires citizens) speak with a specific accent and use a lot of Lunfardos (Argentine slang).  Here we explain 25 interesting vocabulary/phrases in Argentinian Spanish which will help you to understand porteños better during your next tango […]

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Tango illusion

Tango illusions

Over the years of my tango journey I’ve stumbled upon a lot of confusing moments, they fall into 2 types: illusion about my technique; and about my relationships with the tangueros.Tango Illusion (I): My tango technique3 years ago on my birthday I had a private class with my favorite tango master. I told him, with

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